bool GooeyTextbox_HandleClick(GooeyWindow *win, int x, int y)
Handles textbox click events.
void GooeyTextbox_Draw(GooeyWindow *win)
Draws the textbox on the window.
void GooeyTextbox_HandleKeyPress(GooeyWindow *win, GooeyEvent *event)
Handles key press events for the textbox.
const char * GooeyTextbox_GetText(GooeyTextbox *textbox)
Gets the text of the textbox.
void GooeyTextbox_SetText(GooeyTextbox *textbox, const char *text)
Sets the text of the textbox.
GooeyTextbox * GooeyTextBox_Add(GooeyWindow *win, int x, int y, int width, int height, char *placeholder, void(*onTextChanged)(char *text))
Adds a textbox to the window.